Search Results
Microbiome - seeding a baby's gut during birth and early life, to build a healthy immune system
Seeding baby's microbiome - how baby's bacterial start can change their life
Developing a baby's microbiome
Microbes from Mom: Vaginal Birth vs. C-Section
Baby's First Bacteria: When Does the Microbiome Begin?
The Infant Microbiome: The Critical Role of Vaginal Birth and Breastfeeding - Infant Immune Training
Seeding and Feeding the Microbiome | Midwifery Wisdom Podcast Episode 43
Story #36: Building a Healthy Gut: How Birth Practices and Early Exposures Shape Lifelong Health
Establishing a Healthy Future: Microbiota in Pregnancy and Neonates
If You Don’t Do This At Birth - You Could Damage Your Baby’s Immune System for Life!
How early life stress and microbiota may influence development in infants - Carolina de Weerth, PhD
The Microbiome & Gut Health Start at Birth